Site Analysis
The purpose of the Site Analysis is to observe and record the site’s current condition, and to collect additional information to be used in the initial design conceptualization and strategy phase.
Key concepts and themes to be discussed in relation to the analysis include: Way-finding (5 Lynchian Principles), Typology and Morphology, Figure/Ground Mapping, Patterns of Movement and Use, Human Behaviour, Street Culture

Precedent Studies
Each group is required to study and analyse one example of an urban infill that is a community library. In analysing this example, students should develop an understanding and awareness of:-
(1) What is an Urban Infill?
This investigation is to help you understand what an urban infill is, and what are the architectural strategies (massing, spatial planning, façade design, etc.) adopted that are necessary in response to its physical context and functional programme. Investigate what were the regulatory laws that the architects were required to comply to as well.
(2) What is a Community Library? 
In this module, we shall define the community library as a “place which provides public with access to books and periodicals acts as social meeting grounds for an urban/suburban community”. This part of the Precedent Study entails an investigation into a relevant example of a community library and inquiry into establishing its role within its specific context and community.
Key themes and criteria that require consideration in this study include the following: Programmatic Response, Formal Response, Public/Private Realms, Society & Culture

1. Conduct case studies and site analysis to generate an understanding of the physical and cultural context and development of urban environments
2. Determine and describe the role of a community library in a contemporary urban setting
3. Examine and establish appropriate architectural responses and strategies for designing within an urban infill site
4. Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the coming design stages



From this project, we start to learn how to do an urban site analysis in correct way. It is totally different from the previous project that we had done.Urban site analysis are more toward the human behavior in city and the site context took an important role in designing an urban building. Throughout the whole project, we start to realize that in urban design, a full consideration of site culture, issue and facilities are key feature to consider and analyse.
In conclusion, i hope we can do more urban analysis to move forward our way of analysis. 

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