1) Form a group of 5 or 6 students.
2) Perform a study on a building preferably an apartment, which was constructed fully or partially using IBS method and identify all the IBS components used including appropriate sizes, etc.
3) Design one or two types of apartment units which size should not exceed 100 square meters and consists of a living hall, a dining area, three bedrooms and two toilets. The design should incorporate mainly IBS components such as precast wall, hollow core slab, precast staircase, toilet pod, prefabricated timber roof truss, etc. with appropriate sizes.
4) The units should be arranged as follows and made into three levels. However, for the model one side of the building can be cut into half to show the cross section.
5) Construct the IBS components of the model individually then joint all of them together in the actual way that an IBS building is constructed. All the process including fabrication of components and sequence of construction in the production of the model should be included in the video. A number of blow-up connection details of different parts of the model should also be produced.
6) Also provide in the video some descriptions about the building and construction system concerning energy efficiency and ecological impact as well as the embodied energy calculations.

- Identify and collect relevant research data.
- Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation.
- Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction.
- Analyse and document construction methods and materials.
- Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact.



From this project, we need to learn how to construct a building using precast system. From designing the plan, to choosing the the precast system method, until the construct process are the whole new experience for us. Introduction to precast construction can let us learn and apply the knowledge to future and help us analyse the building structure.

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